Traveling With Your Bestie
Your dog is a member of the family, which means you want to bring them on trips. Here’s how to make it fun, as well as safe.
With the summer fast approaching, you’re probably well into your plans to visit with family and friends. If your dog is part of those plans, you’ll want to check all the boxes to ensure everyone enjoys the experience.
Start with health and safety
If your trip involves flying, the airline will require health certificates. But regardless of whether your travel by car or plane, make sure you’ve got all your dog’s records with you, in case of emergency. Speaking of, look up the number of a 24-hour emergency vet in your destination town and have that on hand, just in case.
You probably already have a collar with identification tags, but if not, that’s an essential in case your dog gets away from you in an unfamiliar place. Better yet, consider microchipping him.
Bring a crate
If you’re flying, your dog will need to be in a crate, but they’re also a good idea for car travel. Crates provide dogs with a secure spot if they’re feeling anxious in a new location, keeps them off beds and furniture wherever you’re staying, and also serve as a centralized spot for stashing toys, water bowls and the like.
Stick to routine
Dogs are creatures of habit and do best when they can continue some semblance of their home routine when traveling. If your dog is used to four walks a day, keep to that schedule. The same goes with your normal sleep/wake hours, the time of day they usually get meals, and the food they are used to eating. Keep it as close to the norm as possible and your dog will flourish on his holiday adventure.
A few notes on flying
Traveling by car is the easiest way to get your dog from point A to point B, but that’s not always possible. If you need to fly, there are several rules to know, most of which apply to all airlines. Still, make sure you check with whatever carrier you’re taking to learn their specific rules.
It’s essential to know what the temperatures will be for both your takeoff and landing destinations. Because your dog will likely go in the cargo hold—unless he’s a service animal of some sort—federal regulations specify that temperatures must be above 45 degrees or below 85 degrees if the time involved for takeoff, landing, and connecting exceeds four hours. If you’ve got a small dog, however, you may be in luck; if their crate can fit under the seat in front of you, your dog can likely fly in the cabin with you.
Before you travel, make sure you have made a reservation for your dog, as airlines have limits to the number of animals on each flight. The early bird gets the worm here, as the system is first come, first serve.
Traveling with your dog can make any trip all the better, especially when you’ve done the upfront homework to make it a smooth experience for everyone.
About the amazing Author
Amanda Loudin is a freelance writer covering health/science, travel, and supply chain management for a wide range of publications. When she's not writing, she's outdoors, usually with a four-legged friend alongside her.
About Nuzzle Clothing
Nuzzle was created by Kebby" Holden. Kebby is a designer, an athlete and a dog lover. She also founded Coeur Sports which is a sportswear brand and wanted a sister brand that offered stylish, fun and incredibly comfortable lifestyle apparel.